Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hotel Transylvania

Over the weekend I took my children to the movies to see Hotel Transylvania. Here is a movie, although animated is for both children and adults. I guess the reason behind that being that in order to get parents to bring their children to the theater it must entertain them as well. Being that Halloween is just a few weeks away, I decided that this was the movie to see. I must say that I think I enjoyed it more than my children. The humor was definately over their heads but I was completely amused. I laughed throughout the entire movie. Maybe the cast had something to do with it. Adam Sandler, Kevin James and Steve Buschemi to name a few. With a cast like that how can it not be?


animated- cartoon like
theater-Place to watch a performance
entertain-to engage a person
humor-enjoyment of things that are funny
amused-to make someone laugh
cast-people that are part of a performance

Vocabulary activity

Students can begin to keep a vocabulary dictionary. This dictionary will have the word, a written definition a picture that can can associate with the meaning of the word.

Grammar Point

Children will be able to highlight and identify nouns, verbs, and adjectives within a given situation.

Grammar Activity

The students can play a word association game listing words (nouns, verbs, adjectives) that are associated with a given topic. Their partner would have to guess what it is that they are talking about.

For example:
flying a kite
Answer: The park

Say Cheese

So last week my 2 children came home with the forms for school picture day. I was debating whether or not to place the order for pictures. The first reason being that the company wanted money for the pictures without me viewing the pictures first. What if I don't like them? Secondly, the pictures were so expensive. The more that I pondered it it was their Kindergarten year. A milestone year, one that will hold so many memories. So with that being said, I decided to place the order. Now here I am on the morning of the photographs searching for the perfect outfit. Am I crazy or is this what all mothers do the day of school pictures?


thinking of all possibilities
viewing-being able to olook at something first
expensive-something that costs a lot of money
pondered-think about something
milestone year- a year to remember
photographs-pictures taken

Vocabulary Activity

atgedinb __________________

wnigiewv __________________





Grammar Point
Using a variety of punctuation to your thoughts can cponvey different meaning. When writing using a question leaves the reader with an opportunity to think or wonder about something.

Grammar Activity
Think of at least three questions that you have from your own experiences to create conversation points to discuss with your classmates.
For example: Why do you think people bully one another?
Why do moms ge so crazy over picture day?